Impact of Yatra on Kounsarnag Lake

Kaunsarnag is high altitude fresh water lake fed by the glaciers in the mountains in south Kashmir district of Kulgam. It is a source of river Veshu. Kausarnaag is a very important source of drinking water for millions of people and also irrigates millions of acres of agricultural land. The source of famed Aharbal waterfall is kounsarnag.
Some Hindus claim that Kounsarnag is their religious site and they have been performing pilgrimage to kounsarnag for last many years, which is wrong and this claim of religious importance is falsely attributed to the lake.
Making kounsarnag a religious site is a moral crime and will have negative effects upon the environment. We strictly oppose making it a pilgrimage site. The human intervention at Kausarnag can cause disaster and can devoid the local populace of south Kashmir districts from fresh drinking water.

Yatra to kaunsarnag shall have wide impact on fragile environment. The increased human traffic is threatening the environment in this fragile ecosystem. Where shall the waste go when hundreds of pilgrims will take 6 day long pilgrimage to kaunsarnag, Army, medical teams, Lunger will be deployed.
Environmental concerns are linked to carrying capacity, sanitation and solid waste and other environmental concerns like seismicity of the area, impact on glaciers and high altitude flora and fauna. If this yatra is not stopped in coming years the number of pilgrims will increase from few hundred to lakhs and so the days will increase to months like we have seen in Amarnath. Waste disposal practices, will led to ecological degradation along the route.
Kaunsarnag is a very important source of drinking water for millions of people and also irrigates millions of acres of agricultural land, if this yatra is allowed kaunsarnag will be next Lidder River.
Furthermore Kaunsarnag Lake has no religious background; this yatra is aimed to disturb the fragile environment of Kashmir.


  1. Pretty one sided assessment that it is not a Hindu pilgrim age.


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