Beaten, Electrocuted Story of torture in Kashmir.

Beaten, Electrocuted
Story of torture in Kashmir.

When Kashmir valley was in grip of full fledged insurgency in 90’s , hordes of young AK-47 wielding men roamed the streets of Kashmir, Abdul Ahad Mir from Kashmir’s  Kulgam district was one among them.

On The night of 6 December 1996 he was coming to see his family to his native village, but his village was cordoned by Security forces, where he was arrested and taken into custody by Ist RR Behibagh camp located in Kulgam District.
He was kept in isolated dark room where he was continuously interrogated for Seven  Days. He painted a horrific picture of what detention in an army cell means in Kashmir.

“Inside Army camp each question they asked me attracted multiple beatings they used bamboo sticks and iron Rods to beat me I was beaten until I was unconscious. I was asking myself if I would survive as pain was becoming unbearable.”

Abdul Ahad described the anguish his muscles and joints experienced while he was suspended from his wrists for extended periods of time, the searing pain of feeling his flesh being burned by cigarettes, enduring excruciating electric shocks to his testicles.

“I was given Electric Shocks, one electrode was inserted inside my mouth another was tied with my Penis and high voltage current was passed. My head was held under water until I fainted, my soles of feet were beaten raw, they burned me with a heated metal rod (still marks are present on his body), They made me drunk full bucket of water and then a roller was rolled over my body. This continued for a week. After they shifted me To JIC Pulwama but the officials of JIC refused to take me as they were terrified to see my torture marks on my body, then I was taken back to RR camp Behibagh for another 15 days then again Army approached JIC Pulwama where I was kept for next five months later I was shifted to Central Jail Srinagar and PSA was slapped on me.
Ahad Mir also narrated a woeful tale of harassment his family suffered during his detention “Night raids beatings were part of our daily life. Indian forces had bitterness with me but they took revenge by harassing each member of my family with their all possible inhuman ways, our house was made a torture chamber. One day they raided our house they took my brother in an isolated room where he was tortured to Death.”

When he was released his family expressed shock at the scares of torture on Ahad Mir’s body, as well as his traumatized state of mind.
